
Browsing Gallery: WALLS, Robert

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218-game Carlton football player 1967-78; Premiership player in 1968, 1970 and 1972, Vice-captain 1971-73 and 1975-76, Captain 1974 and 77. Coach 1986-89 so coached 1987 Premiership side.
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Robert Walls.jpg
(346x499) [4033 Hits]

Robert Walls.jpg
(151x223) [3033 Hits]

R. Walls - autograph.jpg
(521x328) [2795 Hits]

1969 - Robert Walls (Scanlens Footy Card).
(742x1027) [3022 Hits]

1972 - Robert Walls (Scanlens Footy Card).
(246x347) [3214 Hits]

1986 - Robert Walls (Scanlens Footy Card).
(240x340) [3269 Hits]

1974 - Robert Walls (Scanlens Footy Card).
(245x345) [3119 Hits]

1971 - Robert Walls (Sunicrust Footy Card).
(197x310) [3036 Hits]

1977 - Robert Walls (Scanlens Footy Card).
(246x347) [2872 Hits]

(268x364) [3429 Hits]

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