Opponent | Streak as at the end of 2008 | 2009 Fixture(s) for Redemption | Our most recent win | |
Adelaide | 5 | Extended to 7 losses in 2009 | Round 11, 2004 | St Kilda | 11 | Extended to 12 losses | Round 20, 2001 |
Swans | 11 | Extended to 12 losses but THEN BROKEN! | Round 8, 2000 | |
North Melbourne | 6 | BROKEN! | Round 16, 2004 |
Other Clubs also have long, but not record, streaks against the Blues into 2009:
Opponent | Streak as at the end of 2008 | 2009 Fixture(s) for Redemption | Record | |
Geelong | 5 | BROKEN! | 12 | Hawthorn | 5 | Extended to 6 Losses | 7 |